Project Information

  • Project name
    Arima Time Series Sales Forecasting and Customer Segmentation Using Kmeans Clustering
  • Category
    Data Sciece, Virtual Internship
  • Role
    Data Scientist
  • Company
  • Project date
    September 2023
  • Tools
    Jupyter Notebook, Tableau
  • Project URL
  • Link


This project is an initiative that combines two powerful data analysis techniques to optimize marketing and inventory management strategies. We apply the ARIMA (AutoRegressive Integrated Moving Average) model to perform sales forecasts. By using historical sales data, we can predict future trends and fluctuations in sales of Kalbe Nutritionals products. This allows companies to make more timely decisions regarding production, distribution, and marketing strategies.

Apart from that, we also apply customer segmentation techniques using the KMeans Clustering algorithm. By using customer data such as purchasing behavior, preferences and demographics, we have succeeded in grouping Kalbe Nutritionals customers into different segments. This helps in understanding customer needs and preferences better, and allows companies to adjust marketing and customer service strategies effectively. Through this project, we not only optimize the company's internal processes, but also help Kalbe Nutritionals understand their market better
