churn prediction
churn prediction
churn prediction
churn prediction
churn prediction
churn prediction
churn prediction
churn prediction
churn prediction
churn prediction
churn prediction
churn prediction
churn prediction
churn prediction
churn prediction
churn prediction
churn prediction
churn prediction

Project Information

  • Project name : Telecom CHurn Prediction
  • Category : Machine Learning, Bussines
  • Project date : 01 October, 2022
  • Project URL : Github


The project "Telecom Churn Prediction" is a project aimed at predicting the churn (outgoing) rate of subscribers in the telecommunications industry. The goal of the project is to help telecommunications companies identify customers who are most likely to abandon their services, so that companies can take preventive measures to reduce churn rates.

To achieve these goals, the project will collect and analyze customer data, including demographic information, service usage data, and transaction data. Then, data analysis techniques such as machine learning will be used to build accurate churn prediction models. The prediction using 3 machine learning algorithm to predic customers churn or not churn.

The results of this project are expected to provide telecommunications companies with insight into the factors influencing customer churn rates, so that companies can take appropriate action to reduce churn and retain existing customers. The project is also expected to improve the company's efficiency by helping to allocate resources more effectively to customers who are more likely to stay with the company.